Saturday, March 20, 2010

Thankgoodness it's Sunday!

I've been in a serious bad mood this week. Not necessarily grumpy, but just really stressed and emotional... and NO... not because of you-know-what.
I figured out why. Not only am I stressed-beyond-stressed about Dustin finding work, being really really sad about Jack still not having his crib set up (weird that I'm so upset about that one), or exhausted from these crazy "Insanity" workouts Dust and I have been doing 6 nights a week... I had a bad week, I think, because I missed church last Sunday.
Lillie had a cold and fever, and Sunday morning after everyone was all dolled up and ready to go Dustin and I realized that Lillie probably should not go to nursery. I stayed home with her and I've been in a funk all week. I decided that as much as I complain about the stress of Sacrament Meeting with a 2 year old that likes to color on the Hymn books and a 5 month old baby that seems to always spit-up on me right after we sit down, and a chorister that thinks 120 beats per minute is actually 60 beats per minute... I need it.

1 comment:

Lyd said...

I completely agree. It's amazing what blessings come to us from just being obedient and going to church. We may not realize them because we naturally go, but those times when we miss, or miss out on other blessing opportunities, it's much easier to see the blessing our Father provides us with.

By the by, it was fun talking with the two of you on Friday! I promise we'll do something more together next time you come into town. :)