Friday, January 14, 2011

Lovingkindness- yes, it's one word.

"Be kind. Everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle." When I first heard this profound statement by Marjorie Pay Hinckley, it resonated within me. I hurried and scribbled it down on some scrap paper with a broken crayon I managed to find down in the depths of my purse/diaper bag- whatever you want to call it. The statement was too significant not to remember, and since that moment, it has become a motto for my life.

Being born and raised in a middle-class suburb of Vancouver, Washington was exceptionally ordinary. I attended public school, made good friends, was obedient, and then began the first leg of my college journey at BYU-Idaho.

My average life quickly changed in June of 2006. I got married. I began my first "hard battle" of halting my education, running off with my "newly degreed" husband, and starting our idealistic newlywed life in Las Vegas. But after our first lay-off, first baby, and a never-ending pile of bills, I realized we were headed for a war.

My dear husband has been laid off seven times. Right when life started going great, we got "let go," a child got sick, our insurance company denied another claim, or we needed to replace our timing belt. I've cried a lot. I pitifully wondered what I was doing wrong. Then, one day, as I was contemplating our lack of income, I realized that everyone around me was going through something even harder. I have friends who are dealing with foreclosure, cancer, death, depression, an inability to get pregnant, or divorce. I then taped my scrap paper quote to my bathroom mirror and sincerely began serving others who were facing tremendous challenges of their own. The battles I fight are unrelenting, but my perspective has changed. We are all in this together, and I've found lovingkindess to be essential for survival.


The Barnum Family said...

Thanks for the reminder. I was having one of those days today where I felt sorry for myself because my life is not at all what I imagined it would be.
We all have different trials. I'll have to remember that others are going through their own battles before I start feeling bad about mine.

Lena said...

Well said, Erika! Thank you for this post!

Ben and Becky said...

thankyou for posting this, I needed to read this today. :)

TacieB said...

Thank you Erika! I also needed this reminder. I need to stop feeling sorry for myself!

Unknown said...

Well said! I appreciate the reminder. You and Amber have both reminded me to think of others and serve in the last two days. That means that I need to get it together. You and Dustin are great examples to all of us and we appreciate your faith in all that has happened. I appreciate that even though you guys have had all this crap happen and all these lay-offs that you stay positive, happy, and fun to be around. And other things that you know what I'm thinking but I can't say right here! Anyway, thanks for being so wonderful. :)

VicandNanc said...

You nailed it! I have been so down on myself lately & really I lead a very good life. I hate that it just seems natural for us women to fret over something no matter where we are in life!