Friday, March 12, 2010

I'm engaged, friends!

It was almost 3 years ago in Hawaii when I lost my wedding ring. Dustin and I were boogie boarding at a nice beach in Kaua'i when I looked down a few hours later and noticed that I was only wearing my wedding band. My engagement ring was totally gone. I was devestated. I've always felt so guilty about losing it. I had the feeling over and over and over to not bring my ring on the trip but I was obsessed with that darned ring, so I immediatly brushed the thought away. I brought it anyway, then lost it on some white sandy beach.

Dustin's always been nice about the whole situation. I would have thought he'd be mad, or atleast a tiny bit upset. I've told him over and over to not get me another one because I don't feel like I deserve it. There are better things we could spend the money on, and I atleast still had my little wedding band. I don't need a big diamond to know I'm married... plus, it's not like it's coming with me to heaven!

Well, apparently Dustin's been saving up for this for quite a while. I walked into our bedroom and found a note and a little black box on my pillow.

I love the 2 floating diamonds.
I love him so much. He spoils me. Here my husband is now selling plasma (again) to save up for some fancy-shmancy gun he's wanted forever, and instead of buying that with this money, he spends the money on another beautiful ring for me.
I cried. I love it.


The Barnum Family said...

I love the ring! It's so beautiful! That's a first rate husband you've got there Erica. but of course you already know that. =)

Ben and Becky said...

gorgeous ring! how sweet of him to save up for a new one. I lost the diamond from mine a few years ago, and didn't feel I deserved a replacement, but Ben got me a new one anyway. it's great to be surprised and feel so loved. You do deserve it!

Amber said...

SO pretty!!! That is so cute that he saved up to buy you that. Oh we have the best hubby's ever!

Ishihara Family said...

how sweet! the ring is soooo pretty!

Jaimie said...

What a sweet husband! The ring is beautiful. And I love the note he left with it.