A look back at what we've done together the past 3 years:
Made 1 1/2 babies
Raised 1 kitten
Owned 4 cars
Worked for 7 companies (2 for me, 5 for Dustin)
Read the BofM 6 times
Moved 5 times
Lived in 4 States
Had 4 root canals
Been on 4 vacations (child-less)
Been to 8 temples together
Changed approx. 3,960 diapers
Held 9 church callings, combined
Been apart 78 days
Been together 1,014 days
Dustin is the kindest, most selfless person I know. He rarely says anything negative about anyone. He's easy going and doesn't change around anyone. He's so smart and can remember everything! He has a strong testimoney of the Gospel and is the leader of our home. I love having a worthy Priesthood holder to lead and guide our family. I'm grateful for his strength, optimism, and love. He's very patient with me and says "I love you" to me many times a day. He does the dishes every night and opens the door for me everywhere we go. I knew right away that he was the boy I was going to marry- and I'm grateful that I chose him to be with for Eternity! It's funny looking back to when we were first dating and saying our first "I love you"'s to eachother. It seems that I hardly knew Dustin at all then, but I knew I loved him. I had no idea I could love someone as much as I love Dustin today. Sure, we're technically not newlyweds anymore- but our marriage has only yealded more love and unity as time goes on.
Happy Anniversary!
To answery your question, yes. Claudia is still separating the entire Sr. primary. I don't think it makes that much of a difference, but she and Paige are convinced that it is a miracle. So, I just keep my opinion to myself. That's funny that you're teaching CTR 6. Isn't that the class you started with here? You'll do a wonderful job! I love your anniversary post. Makes me not even want to think about how many diapers I've changed! Our anniversary is coming up next week. It will be 7 years for us. Anyway, good to hear from you. Enjoy your anniversary and may there be a zillion more!
I meant 'answer' not 'answery'. Yeah, some days I can't type. =)
Happy Anniversary! Anniversaries are so fun! Congrats!
Happy anniversary! You guys definitely belong together- you are so good for each other. Congrats!
I love this post! What a cute idea to list all the things you've done together. I hope you guys enjoyed your three-year anniversary. I'm sure glad I married into the family and can be related to such cool people! :)
Congratulations guys!!! I can't believe you've done all that in that amount of time! You guys are just on going like crazy. I am so excited to make your 1 1/2, 2! Hope you guys enjoyed your 3 year. we're going on 2 this sept. Crazy how time flies. Happy Anni!!
Pretty cute! Congrats on making it 3 years!
Congrats guys! I miss you all. :(
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