Monday, December 14, 2009

Our life in Ucon, Idaho

We're all settled in at the In-Law's. It hasn't been bad at all living here. Milan and Julie have been so gracious and accommodating. We set up Lillie's room in Clark's old bedroom with her new toddler bed, her play kitchen, and the changing table. It's been nice for Lil to stretch out! She's been sleeping in a closet in her pack-n-play for the past 8 months in Jackson. I decided not to set up Jack's crib yet. We'll wait until the next move. I like having him sleep in our room in his little bassinet for right now.
Our tree:

Dustin loves his son! Almost every picture I have of Jack has Dustin in it. Jack lost some of his hair, it looks like he's balding like an old man! I love it.
One of the best parts about staying here in Idaho for the next few weeks is getting to spend more time with my sisters, Elisha and Dana and their kids. I got to watch Anna and Alyse for Dana for just a few hours. It was so much fun! Lillie loves playing with her cousins.
My sister Elisha let us borrow Andy's sweater vest for a while. Jack looks so cute in it! Here's Jack and Dustin all ready for church. I need to get a picture of Jack with his cousin, Andy. Andy's so big and adorable. I love holding that kid!
We took the kids to go see Santa last week.... it didn't go well.
Jack smiling! He only smiles for Dustin and Grandma Julie.
Jack playing! Grandma Diane got this for Lillie 2 years ago, and Jack seems to enjoy it even more than Lillie did. I don't know why the picture flipped around when I uploaded it, but it's too complicated to fix it now, so just deal.
Lillie doesn't have any interest in Jack yet. She knows who he is, but just still does her own thing. She's been throwing a few more temper tantrums, but is hilarious! She never stops singing "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" and loves being tickled and is obsessed with Elmo. She's started saying more words, and now can say "Mickey Mouse" and jabbers on the telephone to anyone that calls. You should call to talk to her, it's really funny.

Can you even believe that he's already 2 months old??
Jack's stats:
Weight: 11# 7oz (45%)
Height: 22 1/2" (38%)
Head: 35%
Daddy soothing Jackie-boy. He's not the most perfect baby... he's only sleeping about 2 1/2-3 1/2 hours straight at night and seems to only sleep when he's being held! I looked back in Lillie's baby book and at 2 months she was sleeping 8-10 hours a night. Gah! I guess Dustin and I will be acting a bit crazy for a while longer from the lack-o-sleep. We love that little boy!
Our life is great! I feel bad for complaining about this job because it really is a blessing. It's nice to have been close to our families ever since April. We love our family and Dustin's been able to be home a lot. Can't complain about that!


The Barnum Family said...

I'm glad Lillie gets to sleep in her big girl bed. She's growing like crazy and so adorable. Jack is so stinkin' cute! I can't believe you guys have been gone so long. I love reading your updates.

Kristi said...

You are such an optimist! I would still be raging about the job if we were in your shoes! Anyways, I love the pictures- Jack is just too cute! And Lillie's hair looks cute (did you cut it?)

Amber said...

Yay for you guys! I'm glad you are all settled. I love the pics of Jack. He is such a cutie. 2 months did you say? That can't be right! Wow, he's growin up so fast. Have a wonderful holiday! Let us know if you want to get together!

Unknown said...

I love all the pictures! That one of Lillie and her cousins is super cute. And Jack's hair line is wonderful! Ha ha that boy is so darn cute.