Tuesday, December 6, 2011

My HUGE Stressor right now.


I can't even check other peoples' blog because it gives me HUGE anxiety. Really? What else do you have to share about your perfect life??

I know, I'm just being grouchy. Perhaps after my last final on December 15th I'll be happier. Tis the season to be stressed....


The Barnum Family said...

I know what you mean. There is a tendency to present ourselves in the best possible light when we blog or post on Facebook. There are a lot of days when I feel the same way and just don't want to look at anyone's posts about their wonderful life because I instantly compare it to my not-so-perfect one.
Good luck on your finals! I'll bet it will be so nice for you to have a break for a few weeks. You're doing amazing things Erika! Things that a lot of those bloggers that you read probably wouldn't dream of. =)

Adam and Brittany said...

I'm right there with you! I've been such a slacker that it almost overwhelms me to think about catching up. It is true, people only put the good things happening in their life so it gives the illusion of perfection. I try to remember that nobody is perfect! Keep blogging though, I love to see updates on your family!!

Unknown said...

Surely you can't be talking about our blog ha ha! Although my last post about Kevin McCallister is all true and fabulous. :)

Unknown said...

And PS, there are a couple of blogs out there that I've stopped reading because I get anxious reading them too!! Too perfect, these people. Yet it's so true what The Barnum Family. People tend to only say things on Facebook and blogs when something wonderful happens, which makes them look totally perfect. Bleh, I can't stand it! ha ha You're almost done with school for Christmas!! Yay!!

Kristi said...

This is coming from the full time student, cleaning at night, marathons on the weekend super woman? I'd say you are a hard act to follow. Just hang in there and try to remember that you are doing things that many of us wouldn't even dare