Sunday, January 2, 2011


No, it's not his Birthday. Nor is it any of our many anniversaries! My New Years Resolution is to be more appreciate and more loving towards Dustin.

You could say I got lucky. It could have been a huge mistake- after all, we were engaged after a record-short courting period. What you may not understand is that despite how fast everything went, it was the easiest decision of my life and I've never second-guessed spending the rest of my life with him.

So, there you have it. Instead of making a resolution to lose weight, eat healthier, watch less TV, or some other unrealistic goal that I'm sure to fail at by March- I've decided to be nicer and more appreciative of my husband.

1 comment:

The Barnum Family said...

That is a great resolution! New Year's resolutions are usually so self-centered. I think I might steal this one. I get so focused on things that aren't right in my life that I forget to appreciate what is right, like how hardworking and wonderful my husband is.
Thanks for the wake-up call. =)